Musing About Generic Inheritance (Class Person : EntityBase).. What?
July 21. 2009
Was strolling around StackOverflow and came to a question #1118232. Where this guy was asking how come you can create a class inheriting from another generic class like so:
class Person : EntityBase<Person> { //Whatever here... }
He said it’s like the chicken and egg problem :) Which I sort of agree. After pondering on the thing for a bit, I tried mucking around with it in Visual Studio and came up with this that I think sort of give me a bit more clarification on the idea, but not by much… Still trying to find when I need to really use something like this. And the code that I came up with is this:
class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var wife = new Human(Gender.Female); var baby = wife.GiveBirth(); Console.WriteLine(baby.Gender); Console.ReadKey(); } } class CanGiveBirthTo<T> where T : new() { public CanGiveBirthTo() { } public T GiveBirth() { return new T(); } } class Human : CanGiveBirthTo<Human> { public Gender Gender { get; private set; } public Human(Gender gender) { Gender = gender; } public Human() { Gender = RandomlyAssignAGender(); } Gender RandomlyAssignAGender() { var rand = new Random(); return (Gender) rand.Next(2); } } enum Gender { Male = 0, Female = 1 }
I don’t know if this is of any use to anyone…, but enjoy… LoL.
Any idea what sort of real application code that could fall into this pattern in real project?