On Activator.CreateInstance...
April 15. 2008
- Posted in:
- .Net Framework
- C#
When you use .NET Activator.CreateInstance to create a new object of a certain type, make sure you reference the Project / DLL that contain the type definition or load it manually somehow to an AppDomain. Otherwise your call will fail. Say you have the following solution:
Solution Foo Project Bar1 IUser IDataMapper IUser Load(...); Project Bar2 (references Bar1) ADSpecificDataMapper : Bar1.IDataMapper IUser Load(...) { ... } Project Bar3 User : IUser IDataMapper m_Mapper = Settings.Instance.UserMapper IUser Load(...) { return m_Mapper.Load(...) } Project Baz (references Bar1) Settings Settings Instance = new Settings() //singleton IDataMapper Mapper = CreateMapper(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[...]) IDataMapper CreateMapper(SpecificMapperClassNameFromAppConfig) Project ConsoleTester (references Baz, Bar3) Main IUser user = User.Load(...);
Note that ConsoleTester is not referencing Project Bar2 (which contain the ADSpecificDataMapper that will be created through the Factory Method CreateMapperin Baz.Settings class. This will cause it to fail. Adding Bar2 to the ConsoleTester project reference will remedy the problem.